MacGen Meetings Begin Again
I am starting MacGen Society meetings on Zoom after a year's stoppage for the pandemic. Previous participants will be receiving a link to the new Zoom meetings via email.

If you would like to receive the Zoom link for this meeting please email Bill George

We met previously in person at the Oakland FamilySearch Library, from 2009 - 2020, which is sponsored by the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Our meetings will concentrate on the Reunion Genealogy Lineage program (now at version 13 and The FamilySearch Family Tree and website have been heavily used by the public since 2013. FamilySearch is a free resource that can contain the one clue you needed to find that elusive ancestor. Also, any questions about the Macintosh and genealogy are welcome.

The Mac-only Reunion app, version 13 was released on October 20, 2020.They list 60 new features and have a top 10 features video. The cost of Reunion is $99 and their website is


An East Bay Mac resource is the Diablo Valley Macintosh User Group of Walnut Creek. They are currently running Tuesday Zoom meetings at 3pm. Their website is The cost $40/year.

There is a free twice-monthly (2nd/4th Thurs 11am) weekly Macintosh Class that used to be held at the Alameda Free Library, but is now held via Zoom. Stephen Huston (, is the leader of the class that covers different Macintosh computer topics in some depth each meeting. Even if you think you know a topic, expect to be surprised at additional features you never knew about. Send him an email to join the mailing list and receive announcements of upcoming free classes. They don't usually meet in the Summer.

A Reunion Special Interest Group of the Silicon Valley Computer Genealogy Group meets monthly ( on the fourth Thursday, 4pm. This group is part of the Silicon Valley Computer Genealogy Group that meets monthly on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 9-11 on Zoom. They also have a weekly Zoom session, Thursdays at 4pm for open discussion. The 4th Thursday is devoted to the aforementioned Reunion Macintosh app.. Prior to the pandemic, the SVCGG group met at the Family History Center in Santa Clara at 875 Quince Ave., Santa Clara, CA (and will again, when things return to normal). Dues are $20/year.

This MacGen Society is not affiliated with Leister Productions, Apple Inc. or (a part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). MacGen is supported entirely by volunteers as a not-for-profit educational experience.

This Web Site's URL is

...Bill George Email