Castro Valley Library - Genealogy Study Group


Free Desktop Genealogy Software Free Web Genealogy Software

Software that puts your genealogy data on a web server.

For a comparison of web database genealogy software, go to:

Other Free Software
  • Irfanview - Free Image Editor, demonstrated at our March 2, 2017 meeting
  • PDF Creator - Installs as an additional printer and converts files to PDF format.
  • Filezilla - FTP program used to upload files to your web site.
Commercial Desktop Genealogy Software

There are other programs, but these are the most well known and used.

Reviews and Comparisons of Desktop Genealogy Software Create Your Own Genealogy Site Web-Based Solutions for Distributing Your Family Tree

This is only a small sample—do a web search for Family Tree Websites. Some are free and some charge.

Castro Valley Library